Jacob's Heart
Received by:

Lori Butterworth
Sponsored by:
Paul Newman, Newman's Own and You, the Viewers

For more Information, please contact:
Jacob's Heart
Lori Butterworth
P.O. Box 1247
Capitola, CA 95101
PH: 831-477-0690
How it Began — A Friend in Need
Two years ago, Lori Butterworth was worried about turning 40 and losing ten pounds. Then she received a phone call that opened her eyes and her heart — her friends' son, Jacob, was hospitalized with a deadly form of leukemia. "It really hit home that this could really happen to any of our children."

The Solution — A Family Support Network
Lori organized "Jacob's Jam" to help raise money for Jacob's family and was inspired to start Jacob's Heart to help other families. During Jacob's hospitalization, she had seen families face the brutal decision of staying with a critically ill child or coping with the pressing realities of everyday life — such as going to work, paying bills, and attending to the needs of other family members. Lori says, "I was just obsessed with asking people to help.

"Jacob's Heart is a family of families. It's a place where people can come and you don't have to worry about being bald. You don't have to worry about crying."

Successful Programming
Jacob's Heart is a support network for families of children with cancer. Over 40 volunteers, many of whom work full time, help an increasing number of non-English speaking families understand healthcare options and information available in English only. Jacob's Heart programs include: direct financial assistance, grocery delivery, counseling in Spanish and English, a bilingual resource library and referral service, art programs, and community education. Jacob's Heart also hosts celebrations for children who recover and provides memorials for those who don't.

Jacob's mother, Angel Mario, says, "If heaven is missing an angel, it's because Lori Butterworth is here on earth."

A Special Gift of Transportation
When Chrysler heard that Jacob's Heart needed a van to transport children and their families to chemotherapy, they sent over a new Town & Country minivan with a TV and VCR for the kids at Jacob's Heart! For more information on Chrysler's minivan visit www.chrysler.com/town-country/

Check in with Jacob's Heart — See what they've accomplished with the Use Your Life Award!


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