Christiane Amanpour

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In addition to the tremendously difficult task of ending child sex trafficking in other countries, another major obstacle is reaching out to help the girls who have already fallen prey to this underworld.

The issue is cloaked in a "conspiracy of silence" due to the shame these girls and their families feel, Christiane says.

In order for these children to have hope, they need to believe that they have a chance at a better life. The few children who are rescued often have mixed emotions.

Christiane says that everything is working against these girls when they try to rebuild their lives. "In many instances they're too afraid [to return]," she explains. "Cultures in many parts of the world simply exclude and shun women who have been raped or who, what they consider, brought shame on the family. But equally there are many families who just want their kids back. There's not enough psychological counseling for many of these kids, not enough awareness."