This month, my fellow Americans, we'll make our way to polling places across the nation, casting our votes to determine who will lead the united States for the next four years. It's an exciting time—but also a divisive one. Rarely has the country felt so split along party lines. These days people seem more convinced than ever that their stance is the only right one. Whatever happened to listening to what others have to say, even if you disagree? With that idea in mind, I sat down for candid talks with Barack and Michelle Obama, and Mitt and Ann Romney, to bring you an intimate look at both sides of this election. Wherever you fall on the political spectrum, you can't deny that each of these men has strong convictions about America's future—and a passionate woman backing him up at every turn. —Oprah

Read the full interviews from O, the Oprah Magazine...

Oprah's interview with Barack and Michelle Obama

Oprah's interview with Mitt and Ann Romney


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