What color will look best on you? Pay attention to your skin tone and eye color—they should have an enormous influence on your hair hue decision. Use Rita Hazan's chart to find out what haircolor is most appropriate for you!
  Light Eyes Dark Eyes
Olive Skin You should use a honey tone. Anything that is warmer tends to look orange. Use a rich, chocolate brown with caramel highlights—this complements the skin tone beautifully!
Pale Skin Go for a more baby blond—light eyes match baby blond better. Go with a golden blond—golden tones will help you look refreshed, while baby blonde with dark eyes makes you look tired.
Dark Skin A chestnut color will be perfect to help bring out the contrast. Choose a color like chocolate brown. Anything lighter will look too fake.
Red Undertones Go with a copper color—this looks more natural. If you use too dark of a color, it will make you look sallow. Use a medium ash brown color—this will help the skin look more refreshed rather than very red.


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