Hair Confidence
Your hair is only an accessory to your beauty that comes from within. If you feel pretty, your hair will reflect your positive self-esteem. Regardless of the type, texture, length or color of your hair, celebrate the fact that your hair is wonderfully unique. Embrace the natural type and texture of your tresses and work with it and not against it.

Don't be a slave to the latest hair trends if they don't make you feel good about who you are. A good hairstyle lends itself to many variations taking influences from modern hair trends. Current trends can be applied to any style or length that not only suits your face shape and hair type but also your personality.

You Gotta Love It
Flexibility should be a major requirement for selecting the ideal hairstyle that honors your special beauty. It is important to enjoy your hairstyle and feel comfortable playing with your own hair. If have fun with your hair and truly enjoy it, you are wearing your hair and it's not wearing you. Wear your hair the way you want to wear it.

Looking Positive
Hair is like a picture frame that crops a photo (your face). Focus on where you see beauty in your face. For example bangs will bring attention to the eyes and soft layers below the chin can distract from a week jaw line. If you don't already possess self-confidence or positive belief patterns, focus on creating them. It's all about focusing on the positive and believing who you are on the inside is how you look on the outside.

Do Your Homework
Ready to feel fabulous? Click here for Ken's Eight Steps to Feeling Beautiful!

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