In Beverly's Full House, supermodel Beverly Johnson steps out of her role as glamorous fashion icon and opens her home to her daughter Anansa (a plus-size model), son-in-law David (a former NFL player), and their newborn baby Ava, in an effort to reconnect with her daughter and to help her growing family get ahead financially during a tough economy.

Despite following in her mother's footsteps, Anansa's relationship with her mother has always been fragile. With the arrival of her daughter Ava, Anansa wants to heal her strained relationship with her mother and agrees to move her family into Beverly's home.

Humorous and heartfelt, Beverly's Full House explores the unpredictable dynamic between mother, daughter and son-in-law. Throughout the season, Beverly tries with varying degrees of success to bond with her daughter and son-in-law. Despite sometimes overstepping her boundaries and at times having her intentions misunderstood, she loves her family and is determined to strengthen their relationship. Along the way, viewers will witness the drama, good times and bad times as Beverly's traditional/non-traditional family comes together, bound by love, and learns to make it all work.

Watch the first five minutes of the premiere episode of Beverly's Full House!

Meet Beverly Johnson, and find out why she's got a Full House!

Take a first look right here, then, tune into the series premiere of Beverly's Full House on Saturday, March 31st at 10/9c, only on OWN!


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