
Former O.J. Simpson Prosecutor Christopher Darden on Eric Garner's Death

Season 4 Episode 326
Aired on 01/01/2015 | CC tv-14
Christopher Darden was one of the prosecuting attorneys in the O.J. Simpson trial, a media event that was partly defined by issues of class and race. The verdict came down nearly 20 years ago, and yet, race continues to be a controversial subject in the United States, most recently surrounding the deaths of unarmed black men Michael Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of police offers.

Christopher, who has a lot of experience with the subject, weighs in on high-profile deaths and the fallout from them. "In the minds of millions of Americans, a great injustice has occurred," he says. "Sometimes you have to go out there in the street and raise your voice so that you can heard. I don't think it's ever appropriate to go and destroy another man's property to make a point. It's a terrible thing if you go out in the world with an intent to do something right and for the right reason but you do it the wrong way."

Watch as the prosecutor shares his candid opinion.

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