
Wyatt Wakes Up After His Drug Overdose

Season 4 Episode 402
Aired on 01/10/2017 | CC tv-14
Though he nearly lost his life from a drug overdose, Wyatt is hell-bent on getting out of the hospital the minute he wakes up from his coma. Concerned for his wellbeing, Jeffery tries to reason with him. "What I want is for my friend, who I love, to get better," Jeffery says.

Though he tries to remain calm, Jeffery is forced to physically push Wyatt back into bed. Realizing he's too weak to fight back, Wyatt tries a different approach. He pleads with Jeffery to take him home and reveals that he recently bought an apartment that no one knows about.

Jeffery isn't about to give in, but his tone changes when Wyatt finally admits to Jeffery that he's an addict.

"That is the first time you admitted that without being prompted," Jeffery says.

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