We've all been there before...you're curled up on the couch with a spoon of ice cream in one hand and a box of tissues in the other. In other words, you're going through a breakup. Instead of pouring your heart out to Ben & Jerry, how about bonding with a few authors who can relate? Check out eight great books to read when you're going through a breakup.
Six-Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak by Writers Famous and Obscure
Edited by Smith magazine

If you could describe your breakup in six words, what would you say? At a loss for words? No problem. Six-Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak is happy to fill in the blanks. Composed of hundreds of nuggets on love and loss, these memoirs say just what you've been trying to articulate yourself—without going over six words. Whether it's heartbreaking ("What once were two, are one"), tongue-and-cheek ("Reclaimed maiden name after every divorce") or just confusing ("Don't trust a man who waxes"), this read has a sliver of wisdom for anyone with a broken heart. There's also a little something for those who wish to remain optimistic on the state of love, including, "At 12 found soul mate, still together." Now don't we all wish we could write a memoir like that? 

(Give it a try! Login and leave your six-word memoir in the Comments area below.)


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