when to quit your job

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2. How Will You Explain This to Future Bosses?
Unless your reason for quitting is that you found a huge bag of money somewhere, eventually you're going to be looking for another job. Alison Green, creator of Ask a Manager and columnist for U.S. News & World Report, points out that future employers will want to know whether you had a good reason to leave. They'll also look at how long you were there and how long you stayed at previous jobs. "If you have a pattern of leaving jobs after less than two years," she says, "future employers will worry that you're a job hopper—and that you'll leave them quickly too. Sometimes it's better for you in the long run to stay a bit longer in a job so that you don't harm your ability to get jobs you want in the future." (Green has more tips for people thinking about quitting their jobs.)
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