Name: Janene

Age: 47

Family Status: Married with two children

Occupation: Operations supervisor in supply chain management

Strengths: Process development and refinement, customer service, project analytics, teaching others new things/ideas and project ownership

Weaknesses: My weaknesses as defined by Marcus and what I learned in the workshop (things I don't like doing) are repetitive administrative tasks and projects where I don't influence the outcome or affect a decision

Biggest lesson from workshop: The biggest lesson from the workshop is that what you are good at is not necessarily your strength and that it's never too late to find out what your strength really is and try to find a new position that uses your strength at least 75 percent of the time

Update since workshop: Since the workshop, I have a new position as an operations supervisor, and I love it. When I returned from the workshop, I had a meeting with my boss. We discussed what my strengths really were and what area(s) of the company and jobs within the company would be a good fit for me. I also helped out in an area that didn't utilize any of my strengths but did show me that just having a job wasn't the answer. I survived a corporate downsizing/restructure that developed the position that I am now in.

Goal: My goal is to build a bigger foundation and gain more experience in my new job and within one to two years be promoted to an operations manager. That promotion may be on the existing account or a new customer account.
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