If I weren't an actor, I would've ended up...
A photojournalist. Telling people's stories is a passion of mine. If I wasn't able to do it through acting or filmmaking, I'd probably be taking pictures and writing.

My go-to shower song is...
Anything by the gospel group the Clark Sisters. If I had to pick one: "You Brought the Sunshine."

Most people don't know that...
I love trees. They give us oxygen and ask for nothing in return. They're grand and simple and still. Let's put it this way: I have more tree friends than people friends. I can't even pick a favorite because that would feel like discrimination!

My biggest pet peeve is...
All forms of oppression.

My desert island meal would be...
My mother's fufu and groundnut soup. Fufu is a dough made from cassava mixed with green plantain flour and is a staple in any Ghanaian home. Everyone makes groundnut soup differently, but it usually calls for peanut butter, potatoes or yams, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, paprika, pepper, and chicken or beef. It's not an easy dish to prepare—it's often reserved for special occasions and holidays—so a lot of time and love goes into making it just right.


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