The hyperbaric chamber may look high-tech, but the concept is pretty simple.

When you take oxygen and pressurize it in a tube, Dr. Oz says the oxygen is forced into a person's cells. "It gets me to mobilize stem cells from my bone marrow," he says. "It gets those cells moving along so it goes out to heal areas. In some parts of the body, like the brain, where you don't always have a lot of oxygen in the tissues, it might improve memory. It might play a role in making those cells which have energy factories function more efficiently."

Oxygen therapy isn't just for people who want to live longer. It's also speeds up the healing process for wounds and helps repairs broken bones. If you're interested, Dr. Oz encourages you to seek out qualified technicians.

"They should usually be used in a hospital with folks really watching what's happening," he says. "You have to wear 100 percent cotton, because it's oxygen in there, and oxygen's combustible. If you have synthetic fabrics, those fabrics can rub and make a spark."


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