You didn't think there wouldn't be any food rules in Boot Camp, did you? Not to worry—we promise, you'll still manage to feel full and satisfied.
  • Overall, eat lean protein, two fruits a day, and all the green vegetables you want.
  • Keep the fat low (for salad dressing, you can use a little olive oil with lemon and garlic).
  • The main rule: eliminate the white stuff—bread, pasta, potatoes, rice—as well as candy, pastry, cookies, cake. "A few people might get evil on me," Oprah says, knowingly—sugar deprivation can turn even a saint nasty!
  • For the first month, stay away from whole grains (brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat cereals and breads). After that, you can slowly add them back.
  • The other big rule: You must stop eating three hours before bedtime. Do just this, Oprah says, and you'll lose weight.
  • During the 12 weeks, you get to choose three days when you can allow yourself either alcohol (a glass of wine, maybe two; a cocktail) or some refined carbs (one piece of cake, one slice of bread, one bowl of pasta. The key word is one).


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