Don't take rejection personally, just keep saying you were in the wrong job, at the wrong place, at the wrong time—you won't win an election, but you just may find a new job!

Being bitter doesn't make it better. Try your best not to look back in anger, in fact unless you can get a letter of recommendation, don't look back at all!

Rejection is a fact of life and while it's not nearly as much fun as the birds and the bees, it happens everywhere, especially in highly competitive and sought after job settings.

Believe in your dreams and allow a bad situation to help you look for a better opportunity the next time around—that dream job really does exist, but you'll never know until you look for it.

Determine why you were fired. If it was your mistake, learn from it. If not, learn from the situation.

Don't burn bridges; make every attempt to maintain a civil relationship with ex-colleagues, bosses and even human resource departments. You never know where your next recommendation or job will come from.

Wallowing in failure is not a style that looks good in any season. Take a few days to feel sorry for yourself and then get over it.

Imagine your next job rather than dwelling on your current situation. Visualize a time when you'll be working again, doing great, and enjoying your job.

Tackle things that are possible. You are not going to go from file clerk to CEO (unless your dad owns the company) so take one step at time. You'll eventually get where you want to be, and the journey is half the fun!

Think outside the box. Get involved in volunteering or charity work. Not only will this make you feel better about yourself and the world, you can build useful contacts while taking the time to help others!

Put a positive spin on the one door closing scenario. Maybe now is the time you will be able to work for a boss you admire. Or maybe it's time to spread your wings and go out on your own. This may even be the perfect moment to change careers completely.

Discover what motivates you. This is a great time to investigate what you really want to do and take steps to make that a reality. Even a lateral move—if it's in the right direction, so to speak—can prove beneficial.

Should you stay or should you go? If you don't have things that are tying you down, and have a bit of wanderlust, this may be the perfect time to relocate. If you've always dreamed about living in New York, Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco—wherever—turn this global village into your resume playground! Look for jobs in places that feel right to you, and then literally 'go for it!' The grass may not be greener, but the paychecks may be bigger, or the cost of living less. Be in the know about whether you should go.

Network, network, network. Don't be shy to ask family, friends, and even old co-workers to help you in your search. You'd be surprised at how many great jobs this resource may be able to provide.

Keep your chin up! Rome wasn't built in a day, and you didn't get fired in a day (okay, even that happens every now and then!) Don't get discouraged if you send out lots of resumes before you start getting interviews, this happens to just about everyone. To find the right job takes time and patience.