This is old news to one well-known athlete who's been raising MRSA awareness since 2003. Grant Hill, an NBA all-star, contracted the bacteria after ankle surgery six years ago.

Grant says his body went into shock four days after his surgery and he had to be rushed to the emergency room. "I had a temperature of about 105," he says. "From my knee down, my whole leg was black and red."

After a few tests, doctors determined Grant had MRSA and began aggressive antibiotic treatment. Until that day, Grant says he'd never heard of this superbug. "Since then, I've heard of it, and I've heard a lot of stories. There are a lot of examples in professional sports and in the NFL," he says. "Thankfully, in the last few years ... they've done a better job of making the players aware and trying to do what they can to prevent it."
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