Before you get moving and begin exercising for the Best Life Diet, determine your activity level. If you are new to a fitness routine, Bob encourages you to try going up a level or two after checking with your physician.

As you familiarize yourself with the Best Life Diet and your activities start getting easier, challenge yourself by going up a level. Reach your goals!

Level 0
Any activity beyond what it takes to get through your day is accidental.
Aerobic Exercise: none
Strength Training: none

Level 1
You see value in activity, so you look for creative ways to move throughout the day, but you don't formally work out.
Aerobic Exercise: none
Strength Training: none

Level 2
You have a moderate but consistent exercise schedule.
Aerobic Exercise: three times a week, at least 90 minutes total
Strength Training: none

Level 3
You make sure to exercise at least five days a week, usually the same workout.
Aerobic Exercise: four times a week, 150 minutes total
Strength Training: at least two times a week, a minimum of six exercises

Level 4
You work out almost every day, cross-training with multiple activities.
Aerobic Exercise: five times a week, at least 250 minutes total
Strength Training: at least three times a week, a minimum of eight exercises

Level 5
Exercise isn't just how you stay healthy; it's a way of life.
Aerobic Exercise: six times a week, a minimum of 360 minutes total
Strength Training: at least three times a week, a minimum of 10 exercises
As a reminder, always consult your doctor for medical advice and treatment before starting any program.


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